Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Why do people talk behind other peoples backs??? I think it is childish and needs to stop!!!! Especially when you are in college you are an adult now and need to know that talking behind another persons back is childish and it usually hurts the other person if they find out. I recently found out that my school newspaper staff has been talking about me when I don't show up for meetings!! I am busy just because I slip up twice and couldn't get things in doesn't give a person the right to talk behind my back it PISSES ME OFF!!!!!!! I am done getting treated like a rag doll that can be talked about and picked on just to release stress for someone else!!!!! If this doesn't stop my next step is to quit I can't take it anymore and just want a chance to feel like this School newspaper is something that I can relieve some of my stresses in by taking pictures and not having to worry about drama!!!! Just leave me alone!!! My friends that I thought would always have my back don't seem to be there anymore and what ever I have done to deserve the being deserted I am sorry!!! I have had a bad year wrought with depression and dealing with problems that I have had to deal with since middle school!!!! I know a couple of people that read this might take this in offence but this isn't directed to you at all!!! So please don't take offense to this you know who you are and I don't care if this offends you you have hurt me for the last time!!!!! So now I am going to leave you with a quote that I live by when it comes to my friends. A FRIEND WILL BAIL YOU OUT OF JAIL BUT A BEST FRIEND WILL BE SITTING WITH YOU SAYING DAMN WE DID BAD!!!!! So those who have hurt me I wouldn't mind an apology and if you have any questions don't hesitate to call but if you cant apologize than fine with me just know that I know who has been talking about me and I am willing to forgive and forget I don't like it but I am also not one to hold a grudge and this does not give you the opportunity to go and talk about the one that told me!!!! So please if you have any questions call Rae I need to talk to you as soon as possible because I need to Vent!!!! I love my friends like family so please don't break a friendship this way!!! It is the fastest way to break a friendship with me and I don't need this to happen!!!!!

Monday, November 2, 2009

well I am alot better

I am officially done with counseling I have been told that I don't need it anymore and I have reached all my goals that I had set for counseling. I am happy about that but I have more going on in my life than just that now. school is getting harder and I can't take it anymore. my stress level is way way to high. I don't know what to do and am still feeling depressed but I am not sure if I should quit or continue. If I quit I won't be coming back to Hardin-Simmons if I quit I will not get my degree for a while. but if I continue how am I going to deal with my stress? I have not been doing good with my stress I have found outlets that are not good to relieve my stress. WHAT DO I DO??????? :'(