Friday, August 28, 2009


I just signed up to do counseling at ACU starting on Tuesday Sept 1st!!!! Man I am scared not only to try my hardest to talk to someone I don't know but to finally get help scares me a whole lot. I haven't forced myself to get help before and now I wish I had!! I have needed help since middle school but didn't get it now that I am going to I am scared and I don't know why!!!! I should be happy that I finally can get some advice, not that my friends can't give me advice THANKS SO MUCH GUYS LOVE YOU LOTS, but actually get some professional advice and maybe get some techniques of how to lower my stress level in good ways not bad!!!!!! I want to Thank ALL MY FRIENDS for always believing in me and making me feel like I could get through whatever came I just need a little more help these days that's all and I will never stop coming to y'all for help!!! KEEP ME IN YOUR PRAYERS thanks guys!!!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

????? j/k I am happy lol ??????

2 more days baby and so along parents until november heck ya

Saturday, August 1, 2009

so back in the states

so I am back in the states I didn't stay in Vienna even though it would have probably been a better idea!!! I had my purse stolen yesterday, I have been fighting with the parents too much, and I am sicker than a dog at the moment damn colds!!!! I had better luck when I was in Vienna then I did here but I only have two more weeks and then back to school so I guess I can live till then lol!!! I had a wonderful time in Vienna and want to go back someday when I can afford it!!! well I am out got some things to do!!!! hope those who read this have a better week then I have had this past week and hope you have a good day!!!