Wednesday, August 31, 2011


So I applied for an awsome job as a behavioral health clerk at the hospital here in Farmington a few weeks ago. I have been waiting around hoping that it would all work out and that I could finally work somewhere I actually wanted to work. Well today I found out they filled it with someone else. This is such a letdown and I hope that they enjoy the person they hired because they sure hurt my feelings. I am a Psychology major wanting to work in my field but what I come across in the job discriptions is work experience prefered certification required and when you do the certification you have to get job expereience as well so how am I supposed to get experience when they won't even hire me in the first place???? It is so damn frustrating and I am getting upset as I write this lol!!! Well I have no more to say lol I guess I just have to wait for things to work out hopefully that will be soon!!!! I am tired of the dissapointments of my life and it is getting hard to want to find a job because of the stress that is involved!!!

Monday, August 29, 2011

Prayers are needed for my Grandma

A few days ago my Grandma mentioned she had a lump on her breast to my mom. She has had it for a few months now but it is getting bigger and so she went to the doctor. The doctor has ordered a Biopsy and a Ultrasound to test the lump which he thinks is most likely cancerous

We need the prayers

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Why do you test me like this? Why is my relationship with my parents such a fight? I have done nothing but serve you and listen to your commands. I know in highschool I fell from your love for a while but it was a hard time then. I have come so far with your guidence and love. I have graduated from college and learned that I don't have to take the stress my parents cause me. Yet, it seems like you still test me with my parents and how they treat me. why is that lord am I not worthy to have a better life that I have definently earned and deserve? Why don't you answer my prayers?

Friday, August 12, 2011


Well my family has totally pushed me away. I am done with the drama, stress, and hatred that they show towards me. I am most likely moving back to Abilene in September to live with a friend until I can find my own place! I have decided that I am done with the bull and that it is better for me to find my own place!!!! The only reason I would stay is if I find a job!!!

I definently need the prayers because of how bad it has gotten at my house!!!

Thanks so much

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Yet Another Dissapointment

I am looking into buying a beautiful horse from a rescue group. She is 6 years old 14.2 hands and part draft horse. She was abandoned by her previous owners and is now ready to be adopted. I asked the rents if I could, telling them that I would pay for everything. The answer is NO!!!!! What parents say NO when the are told the child will pay for everything??? Especially when that said child has a job and has the money to do it???? I am going to push them and see if I can get them to say YES but I am tired of them always saying no!!!!!! This horse needs a home I need something to consume my time so I don't have to be at home and something that will help me destress when shit like this happens!!!

I haven't asked for a horse since we had to put my first one down!!!! I had her for a year and she went lame (or for those who know about horses.... She Foundered)!!!!! That tore me apart when that happened and I haven't been ready to take on owning another one since then!!!! Now that I am ready I am getting the wall put up saying no!!!!!

Sunday, August 7, 2011


i love how my family knows just the right strings to pull to make my life a living hell!!!! i am tired of my family and how we treat eachother!!!!!!