Saturday, August 1, 2009

so back in the states

so I am back in the states I didn't stay in Vienna even though it would have probably been a better idea!!! I had my purse stolen yesterday, I have been fighting with the parents too much, and I am sicker than a dog at the moment damn colds!!!! I had better luck when I was in Vienna then I did here but I only have two more weeks and then back to school so I guess I can live till then lol!!! I had a wonderful time in Vienna and want to go back someday when I can afford it!!! well I am out got some things to do!!!! hope those who read this have a better week then I have had this past week and hope you have a good day!!!


  1. Only 23 more days till school starts :) For you, I am counting down! Miss our daily talks like CRAZY!!!

  2. Just one more week and I will have my other daughter from another mother, home! I can't wait we miss you like really bad. Things have been really stressful here too, but God continues to work in wonderful ways, Big and Small!

    Look forward to seeing you soon.

    Love in Christ your other mother in Abilene!
