Wednesday, August 31, 2011


So I applied for an awsome job as a behavioral health clerk at the hospital here in Farmington a few weeks ago. I have been waiting around hoping that it would all work out and that I could finally work somewhere I actually wanted to work. Well today I found out they filled it with someone else. This is such a letdown and I hope that they enjoy the person they hired because they sure hurt my feelings. I am a Psychology major wanting to work in my field but what I come across in the job discriptions is work experience prefered certification required and when you do the certification you have to get job expereience as well so how am I supposed to get experience when they won't even hire me in the first place???? It is so damn frustrating and I am getting upset as I write this lol!!! Well I have no more to say lol I guess I just have to wait for things to work out hopefully that will be soon!!!! I am tired of the dissapointments of my life and it is getting hard to want to find a job because of the stress that is involved!!!

1 comment:

  1. HUGS! It totally bites when people don't hire you because of experience. How are we supposed to get experience when no one will allow us to?
